Weapons of Mass Attraction

ADRESZ can help you fight the recession - this was our last week message. How can we do it?

Today, we present you our new and modern WEAPONS OF MASS ATTRACTION. Real Estate business is more and more an Internet business. It is the new millennium business tool and we at ADRESZ understood it from the very beginning. This is the reason we created the most efficient Internet “weapons” to help our real estate professionals conquer the market.

From you first day with us, you can benefit from:

    1. A modern personal website containing everything you consider important for your potential clients to know. From detailed and comprehensive listing presentations to personal skills and achievements. An easy to use intranet application helps you manage the entire content of your personal website;

    2. Powerful tools to promote your listings - photos, slideshows, virtual tours, unlimited additional pictures;

    3. Content aggregation - all your personal content is indexed and included in your office and network portals’ search systems;

    4. SEO - Search engine optimization - a continuous and efficient activity to promote your personal information in searches made by the users of Google, Yahoo etc. When a potential customer from your area search for real estate, your contact information must be on the first results page

Everything you need to get EXPOSURE, the first important step to succeed in our business!

Contact us now at (514) 636-2981 or via e-mail at adresz@adresz.com.
